Synthesis of Porous Organic Polymer (POP) based Hybrid Materials as Novel Photocatalyst
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Hydrogen Evolution Reaction (HER) has emerged as an increasing research interest, providing future role of H2 as a principal energy source which could substitute the depleting fossil fuel resources. Efficient sustainable H2 generation from biomass-derived alcohols (photoreforming) and H2O (most abundant element on earth) employing water electrolysis and water splitting driven by solar-energy photocatalysis is acknowledged as a very hot topic in clean and renewable energy technologies owing to its versatile applications in ammonia and fertilizers synthesis, hydrogenation reactions for fine chemicals and oil refining. Noble-metals (e.g. Pd, Pt) have been recently considered as the most active HER co-catalysts, but the practical

applications in HER technology has been limited by some obdurate associated problems due to their higher cost and limited abundance. Our heavy dependence on fossil fuels for energy results in excessive CO2 emissions and global warming. Tremendous efforts have been made to address this challenge. It is highly desirable to convert CO2 to valuable fuels or chemicals by means of solar energy, which requires CO2 enrichment around photocatalysts from the atmosphere. Herein, we are focused for the design and development of Porous Organic Polymer based new heterogeneous photocatalyst for water splitting and CO2 hydrogenation reaction. Our photocatalytic procedure will be involved in HER from pure water without addition of any sacrificial agent and without any noble metal co-catalyst.